Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Crunching the numbers

After a delay while I did other things - like talk to teachers in Ireland about wine vessels, drinking games and floorshows at greek symposia and geared up for a Greek tragedy masked acting workshop in Rochdale - I've finally managed to start trying to track down mentions of In the Footsteps of Hercules. I'm delighted that it made Leeds City Council's press release, but am hoping for more...

OK - so I'm WAY too late for Twitter, but I didn't notice any on the night itself when checking during tha after party.

But Flickr is improving matters - Rachel Meadows does it again here and here and here and here... Lots of the rest of us had our pictures taken - Minerva even earned (to her embarrasment) £2.40 in tips for posing for photos - but I've not found them yet. Hmm...

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